Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Popeye (and Ramsay ) Approved Penne

I used to have cable. It was a waste. All I did was end up watching Spongebob (it is on ALL the time) or stay up too late watching crap on VH1. Why yes, I do remember the 90's. Please, tell me more. So, we turned off the cable. And now in order to watch network television you have to have your digital converter box plugged in along with an antennae. So, with our cable went our TV all together because there is not really anything worth watching on network television and if there is the internet will provide it. Far too much hassle to finagle the antennae in such a way that we get decent reception.

There is one exception to this rule. The husband and I turn on network TV one season a year and bask in the glory that is Asshole Chef. I suppose most people would be familiar with its Christian name, Hell's Kitchen. I love this show. My husband loves this show. Unabashedly and apologetically. I love to watch Chef Ramsay whip these little punks into shape. I love to watch them squirm when they think they can pass something by him and he stops them in their tracks. I love to think about how awesome all that food tastes. And I love to hear him shout, "It's RAAAAAW!" In order to not be driven crazy with food lust, we always make sure to schedule dinner during Asshole Chef. This way I can enjoy the show and enjoy dinner and not feel as cheated that I don't get to try that amazing beef wellington. The one I cooked last night was a winner, and I think even Chef Ramsay would have thought it was delicious. Healthy and colorful too.

Popeye Approved Penne

Or, pasta with white beans, tomatoes, spinach, and feta. I wanted something relatively healthy and light and also satisfying. This was delicious. My husband was taking me at my word as he did not think the ingredients I had assembled looked like they went together and he insisted that I remember to write this one down because he loved it. Obligatory apology for picture quality due to fading evening light and a cell phone.

1 medium onion, diced ( I went with red)
3-4 cloves garlic, diced
olive oil
28 oz. diced tomatoes***
1 can white beans
10 oz. spinach, chopped roughly
1 lb. whole wheat penne
red pepper flakes
dried oregano
dried basil
dried parsley
~ 1 tsp. red wine vinegar
feta cheese

Heat a couple of tablespoons olive oil in a skillet and cook onion until softened, about 10 minutes. Add red pepper flakes and garlic and cook a few more minutes. I would start with around 1/4 tsp. red pepper flakes and add more later if you need to. Add about a teaspoon each of oregano, basil, parsley, pepper, and any other seasonings you care for. I also used TJ's 21 Seasoning salute but maybe 1/2 a teaspoon of that (I don't really measure). Stir those around for about 30 seconds and then add tomatoes. Stir in tomatoes and bring to a boil. Add rinsed beans and stir gently. Turn down to a simmer while you prepare the pasta. I ended up simmering this for about 20 minutes, the last 10 were the pasta cooking minutes. I tasted part way through and added a bit more of each spice and a tiny bit of salt. I added a splash of red wine vinegar in the last 5 minutes or so to brighten it up.

Boil your pasta and when it only has a couple of minutes left, scoop out some of the water and save it. Add spinach to your sauce and stir around to start wilting. When the pasta is almost done, when it just needs a tiny bit more time, drain it. Put the sauce back in the big pot you used to boil the pasta. Add the noodles a bit at a time because you probably will not quite want the whole amount with the sauce. I used almost all of them, but did not want all noodles and no goodies. Maybe an 1/8th were left. Put the pot on low heat. Add a little pasta water to incorporate the sauce and pasta, and also to finish the final moments of cooking in the sauce. When the pasta is perfect and everything is mixed, serve with feta to crumble on top. That really rounds out this dish.

***I went with more expensive tomatoes than I normally do for this (San Marzano). I feel like it was 100% worth it for a dish that is featuring the tomatoes like this. It made a big difference.

I can do so many things...

I cannot play an instrument. I cannot manage my finances. I cannot seem to keep my living room picked up. Here are some things that I can do.